Life in Mossley Primary
Mossley News

Every child that attends Mossley Primary is viewed as precious and special! We believe they all have an important part to play in our school!

Principals' Welcome

Mr Mulligan
Mrs Kayes
Hello and welcome to Mossley Primary School’s website.
The website will give you a flavour of life at our school. It is our belief that every child counts and we consider it a privilege when a parent entrusts their child to
our care.
Our website provides us the opportunity to celebrate the success of our children and share the learning experiences they have had with a wider audience.
We are extremely proud of our children, our staff and our school. In exploring our website, we hope you get a flavour of many aspects of school life and the
excellent work of our children, our staff and our parents.
In addition, our website is a place where you will find information about the school, its location, events, term dates and current activities.
Please feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have.
Welcome to our school!