At Mossley Primary School we are devoted to caring for and supporting the well-being of our pupils, parents and staff, our school family. We pride ourselves in the positive relationships we build, where children feel valued and secure, and understand that these relationships are key in providing them with the opportunity to reach their potential. We also value our relationships with parents, who we work collaboratively with to provide the necessary support. We are proactive through the preventative curriculum that we teach, alongside having Child Protection and Safeguarding measures in place to protect the children in our care. Our most recent ‘Sustaining Improvement Inspection’ by the Education and Training Inspectorate in 2018 stated that the children, “feel happy and safe in school and know who to talk to if they have a concern.”
Our dedicated staff place our children at the centre of everything we do. We aim to remove barriers to learning and provide a caring school community which looks after the total welfare of the children. Here is some of the support we offer:
PATHS is central to our whole school preventative curriculum provision. It is an engaging weekly programme that facilitates the development of social, emotional and behaviour competences.
Small Group Social, Behavioural, Emotional and Well-being Sessions
We have a motivated and trained SEN team who provide small group or 1-1 interventions for children who require further Pastoral support.
Special Events
As a school we hold a range of special programmes or events to intentionally teach children how to recognise danger and stay safe in a variety of circumstances. These include Anti-Bullying Week, Mental Health Day, NSPCC Assemblies and e-Safety Week.
Parents are currently able to refer their child for Counselling if required.
Our P7 children enjoy the chance to be P1 and Playground buddies in their final year in school. They step up to the responsibility and build lovely relationships with the younger children.
Worry Jars
Worry Jars are displayed in each classroom for children to use. Each child has a personal ‘I’d Like To Talk’ card to put in the jar if they feel they need to speak to an adult.
Child of the Day
We celebrate our children’s successes in many ways. One of the children’s favourite ways is through ‘Child of the Day’ where each child is gets a chance to be given compliments from peers, teachers and parents. This builds self-confidence and always a puts a smile on each face.
External Agencies
We have links with many external agencies which offer professional and specialised support to families, and which enhance the preventative curriculum we teach. These include Women’s Aid, NSPCC, Family Support Hub, Newtownabbey Foodbank, Love for Life and the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service.
This Pastoral Curriculum is an extension of the ethos of Mossley Primary School which stems from the belief that each child is ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’. We will do our utmost to provide the best care for every child that is entrusted to us.