Principals' Welcome

Mr Mulligan
Mrs Kayes

Children have only one opportunity to receive a quality education and it is the job of everyone at Mossley Primary School to ensure that it is the best it can possibly be. We have an ambitious vision to serve through the ethos we create, the environment we maintain and the standards we expect.
We aim to equip our children with the skills to succeed in an ever‐changing world, the understanding that will enable them to seize the opportunities that are given to them and the generosity to think not only of themselves but others. Our school is underpinned by Christian values and we express these in the life of school, while remaining open to all children, recognising that diversity in the school community enhances the educational experiences of all our children.
We believe that character counts and we aim to model and encourage our children to develop respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, grace, fairness, care and citizenship. As Principal of this vibrant school, we are delighted to welcome you and hope we will have the privilege of sharing part of your child’s journey with you.
S.W.J. Mulligan Co-Principal & D Kayes Co-Principal